Astropsychology Reading $250

Monthly check in


Limited spots available
Only for august 1/2

This isn't your collective monthly forecast! It is your personal monthly forecast.

Includes a look at the planetary system over your head in this moment, based off your own astrological chart. Looking through progression to see how the planets are influencing you in this moment in time.

1–This represents you as you are now. Look to this card to discover what you're bringing to the month, what you've been through, and your general mindset.

2-identify the theme for the month. You can think of it as a mission statement, mantra, or guiding principle - whatever resonates most with you. Carry this card with you (either mentally or physically!) returning to its message to re-center.

3-This is the most important goal for the month. This could appear as a tangible project you're aware of, a trait you'd like to cultivate within yourself, or a new direction to explore.

4- This is the central obstacle to overcome and refer to a bad habit to break, a favorite distraction. How might it get in the way of their energies?

5-This is where your efforts will pay off and where you'll truly shine.

6-an energy or situation to avoid. This is followed by —

7-energy to embrace wholeheartedly.

8-where you'll find support and encouragement. This could be with a group of people, within a partnership, or through an activity.

9-advice and encouragement to guide you forward.

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