Astropsychology Reading $250

Samhain connection


Limited spots available for October 31- November 1

Get reconnected to the witch within

Samhain is a holiday that recognizes shorter, colder days and the dominance of night and invites self-reflection and quiet meditation. As the final harvest before the long winter, it is a time to take stock of what’s grown (literally and metaphorically) over the past year and contemplate the coming year. Practitioners decide what, if anything, they want to leave behind or stop doing (such as a bad habit or negative energy), and what they want to actively cultivate moving forward.

We will get into
-what should be banished from your life
-something that needs to be changed in your life
-message from ancestors
-your magical power and how to enhance your spirituality
-forecast of love in the next coming year
-a look ahead of the best events in the coming year 🍁

the veil between the living and the dead was especially thin— I will be channeling any information the other side would like to communicate to you.

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